Ex-Catholic Reacts to Harrison Butker's Graduation Speech at Benedictine College


I recently came across Harrison Butker's graduation speech for Benedictine College, and as an ex-Catholic, I couldn't help but react to it.

Butker's speech touched on several points that left me deeply troubled, especially considering the year is 2024. It's disheartening to see that conversations about bigotry are still necessary in this day and age.

As I listened to Butker's speech, I couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. Having grown up in a very religious Catholic environment, attending Catholic school from kindergarten through high school, I understand the teachings and values that were instilled in me.

However, my own journey has led me to identify as an atheist with a leaning towards secular Buddhism.

Butker's speech at Benedictine College was deeply rooted in his Catholic beliefs, which is understandable given his background.

However, the content of his speech delved into areas that left me feeling uneasy. He touched on topics such as abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, and what he referred to as "degenerate cultural values and media."

These are sensitive and complex issues, and addressing them in a graduation speech seems misplaced.

As Butker continued, he expressed his views on being Catholic and pro-choice, stating that being pro-choice does not contradict being Catholic. As an ex-Catholic who has delved into religious texts and teachings, I found this perspective to be at odds with traditional Catholic doctrine.

Butker's interpretation of Catholicism seemed to diverge from the teachings I was familiar with during my upbringing.

The speech took a particularly troubling turn when Butker emphasized the role of women as wives and mothers. He conveyed the message that a woman's life truly begins when she embraces the roles of wife and mother.

As someone who values autonomy and individual agency, this perspective felt regressive and dismissive of women's aspirations beyond traditional family roles.

Butker's speech also touched on the topic of birth control, expressing his disapproval of Catholic birth control methods. This stance seemed to overlook the nuanced realities of reproductive health and personal choices.

The emphasis on adherence to traditional gender roles and family structures felt out of touch with the diverse experiences and aspirations of individuals in today's society.

As Butker continued, he delved into the idea of dating someone who shares your faith and the importance of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals.

This perspective seemed to promote an insular approach to relationships and social connections, overlooking the value of diversity in thought and experience.

Throughout the speech, Butker's views appeared to align with a traditionalist interpretation of Catholic teachings, emphasizing adherence to specific gender roles, family dynamics, and moral values.

However, these views felt exclusionary and failed to acknowledge the diverse experiences and identities present in today's world.

As I reflect on Butker's speech, I am reminded of the importance of open-mindedness, empathy, and inclusivity. While individuals are entitled to their beliefs and values, it is crucial to recognize and respect the autonomy and agency of others.

Embracing diversity and understanding the complex realities of human experiences can lead to a more inclusive and compassionate society.

In conclusion, Harrison Butker's graduation speech at Benedictine College touched on sensitive topics from a traditionalist Catholic perspective.

As an ex-Catholic with a different outlook, I found certain aspects of the speech troubling and out of touch with the diverse realities of today's world.

Moving forward, I hope for more conversations that embrace inclusivity, empathy, and understanding across different beliefs and perspectives.