Full Interview with Harrison Butker on Church and Sports: "I'm Really Concerned About What People Are Saying"


Harrison Butker: A Champion for Faith and Family

Harrison Butker is not just a star kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs; he is a man of faith, family, and conviction. His journey to success in the NFL has been marked by not only athletic achievements but also by his unwavering commitment to his beliefs and values.

In a recent exclusive interview with EWTN, Butker shared insights into his life, his career, and most importantly, his faith. At just 27 years of age, Harrison has achieved so much in his personal and professional life.

He recently took the game-winning kick in this year's Super Bowl championship, bringing the Chiefs to Super Bowl glory for the second time in just four years.

But beyond the accolades and victories on the field, Harrison's faith has been a guiding force in his life. He openly spoke about the role of prayer in his athletic career, emphasizing the importance of taking a deep breath and seeking solace in prayer, especially in moments of high pressure.

"I'm not going to lie and act like I'm a robot and say I was not nervous at all," Butker confessed.

"But one thing that's helped me throughout my career is taking a deep breath, praying is something I always do on the sideline to remember that yes football is so important but it's not the most important thing."

Butker's reliance on prayer and his unwavering faith in God have been evident in his approach to his profession.

He shared how he often says a quick Hail Mary before taking the field, acknowledging that his talent and opportunities are gifts from God and that he seeks to glorify Him through his actions on the field.

"Whether God wants me to make it, whether he wants me to miss it, I want his will to be done because his plan is always going to be better than mine," Butker reflected.

His perspective on success and failure is rooted in his faith, as he expressed that even in moments of adversity and challenges, he sees suffering as a gift from God. "Even if I had missed that game-winning kick, this season would still have been such a blessing because I was able to grow so much," Butker shared.

Butker's commitment to his faith extends beyond the football field. Despite the trappings of success and fame, he remains grounded and focused on what truly matters.

He emphasized the importance of prayer, humility, and seeking truth in a world filled with distractions and temptations.

"I think we all should be growing in humility," Butker stated. "And I guess that was a source of temptation for me to grow in pride, to grow in vanity. And I've just felt like I've grown a lot closer to God by not looking at it at all."

His decision to step away from social media reflects his dedication to staying true to his values and not being swayed by external influences.

By prioritizing his relationship with God, family, and close friends over fleeting accolades and attention, Butker exemplifies a commitment to living authentically and purposefully.

In addition to his unwavering faith, Butker is also a vocal advocate for life and has been outspoken against abortion.

His stance on controversial issues such as vaccination and abortion reflects his strong convictions and willingness to stand up for what he believes in, despite potential backlash or criticism.

"It's so important for men to have other men around them that are going to challenge them and push them," Butker emphasized.

"We have to be leaders, and sometimes that means fighting for something where you might potentially lose something or someone's going to be saying something bad about you."

Butker's courage in standing up for his beliefs amidst a culture of cancelation and criticism is a testament to his strength of character and unwavering commitment to his values.

Beyond his athletic prowess and public stance on important issues, Butker's dedication to his family is evident in every aspect of his life. He spoke passionately about the joy of spending time with his wife and children, emphasizing the importance of being present as a husband and father.

"I'm really excited to have more time now with my wife, with my beautiful children, and really be as present as I can be as a husband and a father," Butker shared.

As he looks forward to welcoming a third child with his wife, Butker expressed gratitude for the blessings of family and the joy of fatherhood. His commitment to nurturing his family relationships alongside his professional endeavors reflects a holistic approach to life, grounded in faith, love, and purpose.

Butker's journey from the football field to family life is characterized by a deep sense of gratitude, humility, and an unwavering commitment to living out his faith in every aspect of his life.

In an era where sports heroes are often celebrated for their athletic achievements alone, Harrison Butker stands out as a champion for faith, family, and conviction. His story serves as an inspiration for athletes and individuals alike, reminding us that true success is found not only in victories on the field but also in living a life guided by faith, integrity, and love.